Primal Fitness

Unlock an athletic body 
without weights or long cardio.

Unlock an athletic body in-home 
without weights or long cardio.

- Tapps Featured On -

 - Tapps Featured On  -

Strength & stamina without the gym.

Rediscover your primitive roots. Reach your full potential.

Full body movements to burn fat & build strength.

Low-impact movements to burn fat & build strength.

Holistic approach to building strength & Stamina

Holistic approach to strength & fat loss.

Real users, real results!

Strength & stamina without the gym.

Rediscover your primitive roots. Reach your full potential.

Full body movements to burn fat & build strength.

Low-impact movements to burn fat & build strength.

Holistic approach to building strength & Stamina

Holistic approach to strength & fat loss.

"Chin-ups & Press-ups At Age 71!"
"At 71 I've been working on the RPF course to improve my strength and running over the past 3 months. It's a great course, my mobility and flexibility are much more fluid, and I did my first chin ups and press ups last weekend!" 
- Geoff Wright, 71, from UK
"Did My First Elbow Lever!"
"I wanted something to help with my flexibility, with my muscles and everything. So that's why I joined RPF and haven't looked back since. I finally hit that L-Sit and did my first Elbow Lever! Also, my tripod headstand, I've been able to not use the wall now." 
- Michael Crowe, 37, from USA
"RPF Routine Limbers Me Up"
"I used to be a gym guy 4 years ago and I had bad shoulders. I was actually seeing a physio for my shoulders. Now 4 years later, I'm 48 and I can do Crossfit. I'm pretty proud cause I'm pretty good at it. The RPF routine limbers me up, frees me up, makes me feel fantastic."
- Steph Braz, 48, from CA


2 Online Courses | Primal Movement 101 + Primal Fitness
  • The Posture Master Class - Learn the secrets to core bracing and more to hit your strongest body position with each exercise and avoid injuries. 
  • The 8 Primal Move Video Tutorials - Follow step by step learning each unique primal move. Master your movement strength, mobility, and balance. 
  • The Eccentric Strength Session - Use this bodyweight method to rapidly increase push ups, pull ups, and squats. 
  • The Primal Core Circuits - Your best sessions for getting abs. These elevate your primal moves into rapid cardio core sessions. 
  • The Primal HIIT Session - Your secret weapon for rapid fat loss. No long cardio, all you need is 15 mins of this session to burn more calories than running on a treadmill for an hour. 
  • The Primal Food Pyramid - Use this simple diet plan and these tasty recipes to break your addiction to heavy-processed foods. This will double your results in this program. 
  • 6 Week Training Schedule - Just follow the session schedule and let your body do the rest. No guessing or not knowing what to do next. 
  • Mobile App & Lifetime Access  - Get free access to the mobile app to take your training anywhere. You also get lifetime access and updates to these 2 primal fitness courses. 

Primal Fitness Bundle 

$194 $97

*** One-Time Purchase With A 60-Day Money Back Guarantee***
Immediate Lifetime Access To The Entire Digital In-Home Program 

What makes Primal Fitness different?

Primal fitness we focus on moving better & functional fitness. 

Not about how big your biceps are or how much you can bench... a paradigm shift from mainstream fitness. 

See, there is a select group of movements hard-wired in your DNA.
But they are forgotten in today's fitness.

And it’s how thousands of people are now replacing stubborn fat with lean muscle, and moving better than ever before. -- See results below.

This goes back in time before gyms or treadmills. 

… and you won’t strain pushing heavy weight above your head or feel aches in your joints from heavy impact exercises. 

So if you want to... 
  • Replace fat with lean muscle
  • Be more flexible
  • Gain more energy
  • ​Enjoy pain-free movement again
  • And so much more in just 30 mins a day
Then keep reading.

Because on this page you’ll discover a no B.S. solution to moving & feeling better. 

But first…

Unlock a stronger
pain-free body

With body weight

No gym 

Does this sound like you?

Have you noticed your joints aching more often. 

An increase in stiffness that wasn't there before.

Do you feel weaker with basic exercises like pull ups, push ups, or maintaining balance during a deep squat?

Are you gaining extra fat each year that's harder & harder to burn off?

The daily grind taking a toll?
  • Climbing stairs feels exhausting.
  • Driving strains your back. 
  • Bending down to tie your shoe is a chore.
These are the signs that you are losing your primal fitness - Losing the strength, flexibility, and energy...

That once allowed us to run around effortlessly, climb trees, lift heavy objects, or sprint across a field with ease.

And you may be thinking this is just the normal effects of aging. It's much deeper than that.


These struggles you're experiencing are not what you think. 

Most people think that after the age of 35, it's normal to gain fat, lose strength, & experience joint pains at the rates they’re experiencing.

Don't fall for this myth.

You'll see for yourself below, how average men & women are naturally burning fat, getting rid of joint pain, and moving better than before.

Some experiencing these results as late as their 70s.

Your body was designed for longevity and to thrive pain free... but right now it's lying dormant due to 3 modern workout mistakes, --- which you'll learn below. 

It's time to awaken your body's full potential.

First, it's important to understand...

Why have we lost our
functional strength?

Most people we work with today are frustrated because they have lost their basic functional strength and mobility, such as the ability to perform pull-ups, push-ups, or even squat down deeply and maintain balance.

By the time most people reach adulthood, they've stopped moving like they did in their youth, and they've lost the functional strength required to lift heavy objects, climb, and move effortlessly in their favorite sports or activities.

The good news is you can regain your lost primal strength (and often much, much more), and the benefits you'll experience go way beyond your workout routine. 

The modern health & fitness industry is NOT helping you.

It's clear the modern health and fitness industry has failed us.

We’re fatter & sicker than ever before.

The United States spends the most money on healthcare and fitness... yet from the time the first gyms franchised in the 1980’s to today, obesity rates have nearly tripled (1).

Since the introduction of the modern food pyramid by the USDA in 1992, the percentage of people with diabetes has more than doubled (2).

Joint pains from osteoarthritis alone have skyrocketed 115% (3).

Big gyms & fitness publications bombard you with steroid chads & photoshop models, selling you on a false image of fitness so you keep buying the gym memberships or the latest product/gadget you don't need.

I say this to make you well aware that you have all the cards stacked against you.

So it's completely understandable if right now you are not in the best shape.

However, starting today, it is your responsibility to take action. Don’t let them take away your full potential. This is your wake up call. 

Start by avoiding these 3 modern workout mistakes...

Modern workout mistake #1

Using joint busting exercises.

Workout mistake #1

Using joint busting exercises.

Unfortunately many of the popular exercises today are wreaking your joints.

Many of these are just designed for teenagers or to look cool for Instagram "likes".

Repeated reps of these joint busting exercises may feel okay “in the moment” but they are straining your body.

What do you think that’s doing to your joints longterm?

It’s causing unwanted wear n’ tear that’ll have you hobbled over in back pain during the day… or stuck with throbbing shoulder pain at night… or achy knees when your kids want you to run around with them…

As a result, you can’t move with the freedom you need to really enjoy life to the fullest.

And if you already have joint pain from arthritis… tendonitis… tennis elbow… or something like it… trying to get back in the gym with these type of exercises will do more harm than good.

The big problem, it’s hard to know which exercises are good and which are bad.

For example…. Even seemingly harmless exercises like sit-ups have been shown to risk damage to your spine [4].

In fact the Canadian Military has gotten rid of sit-ups completely from their fitness tests. [5]

But the good news is… there’s a safe way to train that’ll heal your joints… even if you’ve suffered from painful conditions for years.

In our Primal Fitness course, you'll start by going through our Posture Master Class to eliminate poor technique and risk of injury from the very beginning.  

Then you'll learn our 8 primal moves that are designed to rebuild strength and alleviate pains with low impact bodyweight movements.

Modern workout mistake #2

Long boring workouts.

Workout mistake #2:

Long boring workouts.

Exercise doesn’t have to be long & boring to be effective…

And let's be honest, when you’re busy with work and family, it’s really hard to sacrifice hours of your busy day just to workout.

It's why many of us fail to stick with a workout program for more than 30 days. It's just not realistic.

Plus, longer workouts does not equal better results. Smarter workouts equals better results.

According to Dr. Len Kravitz from the University of New Mexico, shorter 15 minute sessions (when done right) can be just as effective as hour long workouts for burning fat. [6]

In fact, these shorter powerful sessions (you’re about to learn) have also been shown to be great for increasing stamina. [6] 

That's why all of the Primal Fitness sessions can be done in-home in just 15-30 mins.

But here’s the biggest problem with typical long workouts… They are extremely boring!

If you are like us, running on a treadmill or performing mindless reps of weighted curls is as exciting as watching paint dry. 

Your body was meant for more…

And these boring workouts quickly become another weekly chore you dread.

Leading you to quit and fail. 

In our Primal Fitness program you'll train to master 8 unique moves/skills. 

This give you fun goal to pursue as you progress from beginner to advanced. 

After you build your foundation you can move to our other courses to challenge yourself with bodyweight skills and impressive calisthenics.

Modern workout mistake #3

Not using locomotive exercises.

Modern workout mistake #3

Not using locomotive exercises.

Today the fitness industry is focused primarily on aesthetics and outward appearance for fitness.

Men need to look like jacked WWE wrestlers and women need to look like silicone dolls.

And the training reflects that.

Many of the exercises focus purely on increasing muscle size, or the “feeling” of getting a workout… while neglecting function. 

They may be able to bench 2 plates but can’t touch their toes.

They may be able to leg press for days but roll their ankle playing a pick up game. 

Neglecting locomotive exercises can set you up for weaknesses and injuries down the road. 

Especially when you need to perform athletic movements.

We saw this first hand while working with Ninja Warrior. 

Even some of the biggest jacked guys, who lived in the gym, would fall on the first obstacles or worse seriously injure themselves due to lack of mobility, balance, and stamina.

The competitors that practiced multiple disciplines and trained locomotive exercises  always performed the best. 

But you don't need to train as hard as a Ninja Warrior... 

You just need to include the core locomotive exercises, that we call the 8 Primal Moves. 

These are exercises that train athletic movement patterns. 

As a result you will achieve a lean, pain free body to prepare you for any challenge.

Whether that's just playing a game of football with the kids or surviving a natural disaster.

Because these primal movements were inspired by just that…

When a volcanic eruption destroyed an entire city… 

And one brave French naval officer discovered an exercise blueprint that could’ve saved them.

It was the worst volcanic eruption of the 20th century… wiping out the entire port city of Saint Pierre.

And while large groups of people were running for their life…

One man stayed as long as he could to help people escape the town before it was too late.

His name was Georges Hébert… A heroic French Naval Officer.

He coordinated the rescue of nearly 700 people that day.

As he looked back and witnessed tragedy… his life was changed forever.

If he was only stronger… if the people in the town were more fit… more people could’ve been saved that day. 

You see, his philosophy after this experience was that men & women needed to be stronger, not just for themselves... but for society as a whole. 

In his words "Être fort pour être utile", be strong to be useful.

And this ethos led him on a life-changing journey to create "La Methode Naturelle".

An exercise blueprint that trained the body for functional movement and real world application. 

Many don't know this but this Natural Method played a big role in the training of the French military and even influenced the current obstacle courses we see today. 

And that's where my brother and I come in...

You’re probably wondering who I am & why you should listen to me.

Hi. My name’s Thomas Tapp… and I’m here with my twin brother Jonathan…

As I write this, we have over almost 100 million views on our instruction videos on YouTube… And 1.2 million subscribers on our channel…
 100,000+ Students enrolled
 1.21M YouTube subscribers
 26.1k Instagram followers
(Tapp Brothers featured in LA Times working with the TV show, American Ninja Warrior.)
I don't say this to brag, but to show the impact of these exercises and philosophy. 

See my brother and I were introduced to La Methode Naturelle from French Parkour masters back in 2007. 

And this lead us on our own fitness journey... 

From working in Hollywood in stunts, touring with Ninja Warrior, to even training with monks in China.

After we acquired this knowledge from masters in various disciplines, we created fitness challenges online to share and test these methods.

We held these 30 day online challenges for over a decade and this is what we discovered...  

All you really need is your own bodyweight and a few unique Primal moves you can do in your living room… to unlock an athletic body.

Your body is hardwired for natural locomotive movements… that you should never stop doing if you want to perform your best at any age. 

Building your most functional body doesn’t need to be painful…

Actually, it shouldn’t be painful at all. And that’s where most modern exercise programs get it wrong.

If you want to unlock that pain-free athletic body, you need to include at least 4 fitness components into your program. 

The RPF-4 Method: 4 components to build your athlete body.

You'll use our primal moves and apply them into 4 unique routines to build each of these fitness components below. 

Most exercise programs focus on only 1 or 2 fitness components. We use 4 so you can unlock an athletic body in rapid time.

Component #1: Mobility

Mobility is one of the most important aspects of free and natural movement. And your mobility is only going to worse as you age unless you actively work to improve it.  

Ancient cultures knew this… which is why —Shaolin Monks—focused heavily on mobility & flexibility training.

Mobility will strengthen your joints, reduce injuries, increase longevity, and unlock a new level of health and fitness.

Component #2: Strength

Strength is important for everyday tasks… carrying in the groceries, lifting your kids or grandkids, working on a home project… and so much more. 

But you don't need to lift weights to gain impressive strength. In our program, you'll learn a simple gymnast method for increasing strength for push ups, pull ups, or any advanced bodyweight feat. 

It's low impact and safe for your joints.

Component #3: Stamina

Stamina is your body’s ability to resist fatigue… In other words, when you boost stamina, you can go longer and stronger in any situation… whether that’s chasing your kids around the backyard, enjoying a full day of activities on vacation, or even competing in a Tough Mudder challenge.

Boosting stamina will allow you to perform more reps without getting tired, run long distances without stopping, and give you more energy to outlast others in competition. 

You'll use an in-home bodyweight method that only takes 15 mins to achieve the same effects of running for an hour.

Component #4: Balance

Developing good balance is important for preventing injury and moving your body with ease.

It can save you from an embarrassing fall, rolling an ankle on a jog, or twisting your knee playing your favorite sport. And balance becomes more important as you age.

Balancing exercises will unlock pin-point control and freedom with your body. Plus, the more coordinated you are, the more comfortable you’ll be learning new movements, trying different exercises, and taking on different challenges.



Everything you get today:
Course #1:

Primal Movement 101

Introduction into Primal Fitness - $97

Part 1: Posture Master Class

Your foundation of joint strength & pain free movement.
  • Master the 3 posture positions to protect your joints during exercise.
  • Learn the 10 second trick to finding your perfect posture.
  • Discover the core bracing techniques to increase strength & protect your spine. 

Part 2: The 8 Primal Moves

Your foundation for athletic movement.
  • Master 8 unique primal moves to build functional strength, flexibility, & coordination.
  • Each move will prepare your body for crawling, running, jumping, vaulting, & climbing.
  • Reprogram your body for pain-free movement of the knees, hips, shoulders, & low back.

Part 3: Primal Cardio

Your foundation for stamina & fat loss.
  • Fat loss cardio without the heavy impact on your joints.
  • Just 15 minutes of Primal Cardio will burn as many calories as running on a treadmill for 45 minutes.
  • Increase stamina, agility, and stability of the knees, hips & ankles with this in-home routine. 

Part 4: Primal Food Pyramid

Natural foods to burn fat & increase energy.
  • 4-Phase diet program that'll gently break your addiction to highly-processed foods.
  • No counting calories or fads. , 11 on the go “guilt-free” foods you can take with you to snack on at work, in a hotel, on a road trip.  
  • Tasty healthy recipes including Saturday morning banana peanut butter pancakes. 
Course #2:

 Primal Fitness

Next Level - More Strength, More Stamina, More Calisthenics - $97

Part 1: Eccentric Strength

Master your pull ups, push ups, squats, & core. 
  • Learn the unique gymnast method to increase strength & muscle using just your bodyweight.
  • Gain impressive strength to do more pull ups & push ups... or get your first pistol squat, L-sit, muscle up.
  • Low impact & safe on the joints. Perfect for scaling up strength if you're a beginner or older.  

Part 2: Primal Core Circuits

Make your core indestructible, balanced, & lean.
  • Fun & challenging core moves that tone your midsection while improving coordination for movement.
  • Go beyond crunches or sit-ups... improve mobility & flexibility in your hips, shoulders, & hamstrings while you shred your core.
  • Perform these moves in a rapid sequence to burn more calories & fat than any traditional ab workout. 

Part 3: Rapid HIIT

Your fastest way to burn fat with exercise.
  • Burn stubborn fat using our most efficient fat loss routine.
  • Intense cardio that only requires 10 to 15 minutes for maximum results.
  • Simple & scalable for beginners to advanced. Can easily do in-home with no equipment. 

Part 4: Muscle Medicine

Ultimate recovery for longevity.
  • Learn how to use light movement for increased recovery & longevity.
  • Restore your muscles & joints each week to improve your performance for every session. 
  • This will complete the yin & yang of your fitness. Challenging sessions to work the body... and light sessions to relax the body. 

Both courses come with...

Free mobile app access

Beginner To Advanced Exercises 

Fast Sessions - 30 Mins or Less

Video Demos & Schedule

Thousands of people are experiencing complete body transformations using Primal Fitness.

"Chin-ups & Press-ups At Age 71!"
"At 71 I've been working on the RPF course to improve my strength and running over the past 3 months. It's a great course, my mobility and flexibility are much more fluid, and I did my first chin ups and press ups last weekend!" 
- Geoff Wright, 71, from UK
"Did My First Elbow Lever!"
"I wanted something to help with my flexibility, with my muscles and everything. So that's why I joined RPF and haven't looked back since. I finally hit that L-Sit and did my first Elbow Lever! Also, my tripod headstand, I've been able to not use the wall now." 
- Michael Crowe, 37, from USA
"RPF Routine Limbers Me Up"
"I used to be a gym guy 4 years ago and I had bad shoulders. I was actually seeing a physio for my shoulders. Now 4 years later, I'm 48 and I can do Crossfit. I'm pretty proud cause I'm pretty good at it. The RPF routine limbers me up, frees me up, makes me feel fantastic."
- Steph Braz, 48, from CA


2 Online Courses | Primal Movement 101 + Primal Fitness 
  • The Posture Master Class - Learn the secrets to core bracing and more to hit your strongest body position with each exercise and avoid injuries. 
  • The 8 Primal Move Video Tutorials - Follow step by step learning each unique primal move. Master your movement strength, mobility, and balance. 
  • The Eccentric Strength Session - Use this bodyweight method to rapidly increase push ups, pull ups, and squats. 
  • The Primal Core Circuits - Your best sessions for getting abs. These elevate your primal moves into rapid cardio core sessions. 
  • The Primal HIIT Session - Your secret weapon for rapid fat loss. No long cardio, all you need is 15 mins of this session to burn more calories than running on a treadmill for an hour. 
  • The Primal Food Pyramid - Use this simple diet plan and these tasty recipes to break your addiction to heavy-processed foods. This will double your results in this program. 
  • 6 Week Training Schedule - Just follow the session schedule and let your body do the rest. No guessing or not knowing what to do next. 
  • Mobile App & Lifetime Access  - Get free access to the mobile app to take your training anywhere. You also get lifetime access and updates to these 2 primal fitness courses. 

Primal Fitness Bundle 

$194 $97

*** One-Time Purchase With A 60-Day Money Back Guarantee***
Immediate Lifetime Access To The Entire Digital In-Home Program 

60 day - 100% money back guarantee.

My brother and I want you to get back your strength, flexibility and energy...  and know what it’s like to enjoy optimal health and fitness at any age.

We've made everything inside this program simple to follow. Most people start feeling results within the first 7-10 days.
You get a Full 60-Days to try it out and see if it’s a good fit for you. All you have to do is follow the program, and let your body do the rest.  

If for any reason you don’t experience everything you wanted in the next 60-days, write in and let us know, and we'll send you a full refund. No questions asked.
*** One-Time Purchase With A 60-Day Money Back Guarantee***
Immediate Lifetime Access To The Entire Digital In-Home Program 

A trainer on your phone/laptop.

Both Primal Fitness programs are available via the Kajabi app for iOS and Android.

  • View full screen tutorials for all the exercises & workouts.
  • ​Ask questions & chat with the community.
  • ​Downloadable videos & pdfs.

Frequently asked questions.

More questions? Please email us here:

Ready to get stronger & leaner in the next 7 weeks?

You can experience a real transformation just minutes a day when you follow the entire Primal Fitness program.
One-Time Purchase - Lifetime Access Both Courses
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
Copyrights 2023 TAPP BROTHERS LLC. all rights reserved